Close up of a person wearing an elbow support raising racket into the air

How to choose the right elbow support for your condition

Suffering from a sore elbow? Read about common causes of elbow pain and explore how to find the best support for you.

Elbow injuries can happen to people of all age groups. Pain in this area of the body can cause significant discomfort, but there are plenty of things you can do to help you manage elbow pain. 

Playing sports or working in a job where repetitive overuse of the body part occurs can cause elbow pain. Sometimes, you may even experience elbow pain but there will be no obvious injury.

Some of the most common causes of elbow pain are:

It is a good idea to seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional if you suspect you have any of the above conditions or another elbow injury. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can help prevent any long-term damage to the elbow. Some people find wearing an elbow support or elbow strap helpful. Keep reading to discover more about elbow pain and how to choose the right elbow support products and devices.

Deciding when to wear an elbow support

If you are experiencing elbow pain or injure your elbow, a doctor may advise that you treat your condition using a combination of rest, stretching, ice and in some cases, physical therapy. Depending on your condition, they may also recommend you to wear an elbow support to make you feel more comfortable. It is important to get a formal diagnosis, so you treat your condition correctly. 

Using an elbow support may help to keep you comfortable and prevent further injury. A support may enable you to continue with your daily activities, including playing sports, while your elbow heals.  

Of course, healing and recovery times will depend on your condition and other circumstances. 

Supports for tennis elbow

Tennis elbow – also known as Lateral Epicondylitis – is one of the most common types of elbow injuries. It is a type of tendinitis (inflammation of a tendon). With tennis elbow, the tendons that attach to the knob on the outside of your elbow become swollen and inflamed. Symptoms of tennis elbow include: 

  • Pain or tenderness on the outside of the elbow
  • Pain in the forearm 
  • Pain the back of your hand 

Despite the name tennis elbow, most people who develop this condition are not tennis players. They are usually people who have jobs or hobbies that involve using the arm and wrist in a repetitive way such as production line workers, painters and carpenters. While tennis elbow affects people of all ages, it's most common in adults between the ages of 30 and 50. 

Tennis elbow is sometimes described as an ‘overuse’ injury. Usually, tennis elbow can be managed with rest, ice and treatment such as anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, physical therapy and strengthening exercises may be recommended. 

A medical professional may advise using an elbow support or strap to help with tennis elbow. You can usually wear these devices during work or sports to protect your elbow from further injury. Supports such as Actimove Sports Edition Elbow Strap are designed for pain relief from conditions such as tennis elbow and other causes of pain or discomfort in the elbow.

Tennis elbow is sometimes described as an ‘overuse’ injury. Usually, tennis elbow can be managed with rest, ice and treatment such as anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, physical therapy and strengthening exercises may be recommended. 

A medical professional may advise using an elbow support or strap to help with tennis elbow. You can usually wear these devices during work or sports to protect your elbow from further injury. Supports such as Actimove Sports Edition Elbow Strap are designed for pain relief from conditions such as tennis elbow and other causes of pain or discomfort in the elbow.

Supports for golfer’s elbow

Golfer’s elbow - also known as Medial Epicondylitis - is another common type of elbow injury. It is similar to tennis elbow, but the injury and pain are located on the inside of the elbow rather than the outside. Symptoms of golfer’s elbow include:

  • Pain in the inner elbow while gripping, lifting or bending the wrist 
  • Pain when opening jars or making twisting movements 
  • Stiffness when bending the elbow 

As with tennis elbow, golfer's elbow can happen to anyone and is not only experienced by golfers. It is usually caused by repetitive stress and strain on the forearm muscles and tendons. 

Golfer’s elbow is treated similarly to tennis elbow, with a combination of rest, ice, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. Physical therapy and strengthening exercises may also be recommended. 

An elbow support can be used to relieve tension and pain in elbow tendons for people with golfer’s elbow. Actimove Professional Line EpiSport Elbow Clasp, Adjustable provides targeted compression to relieve pain and minimize swelling.

Supports for elbow arthritis

Arthritis is the name of a group of conditions that can affect the joints of the body. There are two main types of arthritis: 

  • Osteoarthritis: the cartilage that cushions the joints wears away, causing the bones to rub together. Osteoarthritis is more common in weight-bearing joints such as your knees and hips, but it can also affect other joints like your elbows.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack joints and tissues, causing inflammation and damage. It can affect both elbows simultaneously and is the most common cause of elbow arthritis.

Symptoms of elbow arthritis include: 

  • Pain and swelling in the elbow
  • Tenderness in the elbow
  • Redness around the elbow
  • Cracking or stiffness of the joint
  • A decreased range of motion

While there is no cure for arthritis, a medical professional may advise ways to manage the condition to improve quality of life. Actimove Arthritis Care Elbow Support uses ceramic fibers with special heat-retaining properties that reflect body heat back to the joint, providing soothing warmth to help relieve arthritis pain.

Supports for chronic elbow pain

If you experience chronic elbow pain, one of many conditions could be the culprit, so it is important that you receive a diagnosis from a healthcare professional. Overuse of the elbow can sometimes be the cause of chronic elbow pain. Athletes who use their arms in a repetitive motion such as golfers, tennis players and boxers often experience chronic pain in their elbows. 

The treatments for elbow pain depend on the underlying cause which a medical professional may be able to diagnose. While you are waiting for your medical advice, you might want to use an elbow support to provide relief from this irritating, painful condition.

Supports for olecranon bursitis (elbow bursitis)

The olecranon bursa is the thin, fluid-filled sac located at the tip of the elbow. Elbow bursitis is a painful condition that occurs when the olecranon bursa produces excess fluid or becomes swollen and inflamed. There are many bursae located throughout the body. They act as a cushion between bones and skin. Symptoms of elbow bursitis include:

  • Swelling of the tip of the elbow
  • Red appearance of the elbow
  • Warm to the touch

A knock or bump to the elbow can damage the olecranon bursa causing it to produce too much fluid and swell up. Applying pressure on the area or leaning the tip of your elbow on a hard surface for a long time can also cause the condition to develop. Rest, medication and immobilization are usually recommended to help heal elbow bursitis. Actimove Professional Line EpiMotion Elbow Support can help with medical compression that provides stability while your condition heals.

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